Multi-Nature Test
Clearly, to be successful life, our kids need to develop much more than just academic skills. Every student has different kinds of intellectual strengths and it is extremely important for them to learn how to use them. The education which treats different types of kids the same way could turn out to be the most unfair education.
At Hi-Tech Gurukul, we understand that every student is different. Hence, the learning methodology integrated to teach every student must not be the same.
With this vision, we came up with Multi-Nature Test for our students to identify their individual strength and weaknesses and their unique capabilities. Some kids are good mathematically, some in linguistics, some highly creative, others are very logical. The test results help the teachers and the staff determine this and shape the child in the best possible manner to be future ready. Only such enriched forms of learning practices can help our students become multi-skilled, collaborative, creative, and comfortable in their skin.
Redefining the Idea of School Library with E-Library
Libraries have a history of inspiring young minds. Hi-Tech Gurukul reshapes the notion of school library services with E-Library. Today, the digital technology has changed the way students think and learn. Modern day school libraries need to be more efficient and collaborative to help students learn better with easy access to information. E-Library, thus, is an interesting alternative to a stuffy and silent reading room filled with books.
E-Library gives students the ability to access e-library collections effortlessly anytime. At Hi-Tech Gurukul, E-Library redefines the idea of a typical library setting where students can search for books on a central system and get the copy. The easy-to-use interface makes searching for books a lot easier. Essentially, E-library is more than just a center of information access. It acts as a center for learning that extends support to the students even outside the classroom.
for the 21stcentury learners
Although “Gurukul” is an age old concept, Hi-Tech Gurukul aims to merge this concept with the 21st century classrooms. We preserve the underlying fundamentals and principles of Gurukul while addressing the concepts of this ever-evolving, challenging, and complex world with exciting new possibilities.
Our kids today are ushered with a dramatic technological revolution. The challenge today is to reinvent the education system for the 21stcentury learners. Our holistic approach to teaching is coupled with the concepts new–age learning; while also imbibing traditional values and culture. We encourage our students to develop a positive attitude towards learning, which will make them better individuals tomorrow.
Skill Learning
Foster Learning with Skill Development
The world is slowly turning into a knowledge economy from being an industrial one. Hi-Tech Gurukul, thus, presses on the need for students to learn “21st century skills” and prepare them for the new, highly competitive, digital age.
Skills learning such as problem solving, critical thinking, agility, adaptability, multi-tasking, collaboration, imagination, self-discipline, effective communication, and social skills amongst others are extremely important for character and personality development of these new-age kids.
The objective behind skill learning at Hi-Tech Gurukul is that the new generation, who will come of age in the 21st century, should be taught different interdisciplinary skills that were perhaps taught to the students of the 20th century. The skills that they’d be learning here will help them meet the increasing demands of this complex, competitive, knowledge-based, technology-driven society in future.
World Language
In this increasingly competitive world, why not give our new generation every possible edge? With globalization in full swing, it is very likely that these kids will be interacting and working with people whose first language isn’t necessarily English. Hi-Tech Gurukul, thus, emphasizes the need of foreign languages in schools from an early age.
The objective of the World Languages Department at Hi-Tech Gurukul is to ensure that students achieve near-native fluency in a target language. Learning a foreign language will provide the students with a deeper understanding of the culture and history of native speakers. Opening up to a new language and culture allows the students to be more flexible, adaptive, and appreciative of different ways of doing and looking at things. It offers a host of socio-cultural and personal benefits and is best introduced at an early age. Hence, the department provides early training in listening, speaking, reading, and writing in foreign languages such as French and Spanish.
A Rewarding Experience
Tablet Learning
Tablets Make a Difference in Learning
Studies have found that tablets can make a huge difference in the learning habits of students. What students used to achieve with half a dozen textbooks is now made available with just a touch, in the form of a tablet.
At Hi-Tech Gurukul, students are provided with tablets for learning. Each tablet is loaded with rich, multi-media and interactive content. These tablets are connected to the school’s cloud server facilitating easy access to learning resources between students and teachers. The integration of tablet learning in classrooms can have a huge impact on the of students’ performance, without being classroom distractions.
Significance of Tablet Learning
- Increases students’ comfort and familiarity with technology
- Enhances the learning experience
- Allows students to develop digital skills within a secure educational setting
- Allows students to access study materials anytime and anywhere
- Gives teachers the opportunity to create better learning environments
Gyan Lab
“Fun-ducation” (Fun + Education)
The new-age kids have tremendous potential and can go way beyond textbooks. They are highly imaginative, creative, and instinctive by nature. Hi-Tech Gurukul introduces Gyan Lab – an initiative that enables students to gain more knowledge with hands-on experience, model making, and practice-based learning activities in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics).
Gyan Lab is a unique education pedagogy and initiative to promote practice-based learning in classrooms simulating real life situations. With this initiative, we intend to foster innovation and creativity amongst our students, by bridging the gap between theoretical and practical education.
It is a platform where the kids can showcase theirabilities and skills in a relaxed and fun environment. This practice-based learning approach at Gyan Lab will enable our students to acquire skills, knowledge and hands-on learning experience sought by industries worldwide.